Body Guardz

Brand Strategy and Brand Identity 


As one of the first create cell phone case companies, Body Guardz has been pioneers in the device protection industry. For 20 years they’ve been in business and for 20 years they’ve been successful. They’re sold in retail at Verizon, Best Buy, Walmart and all the big box stores and carriers.  

For decades they’ve relied on placement of their products in these stores to create sales. To be at arms reach to quickly fill the need of an unprotected mobile device. 

However, the Body Guardz leadership team realized this was a losing longterm strategy. The only way to continue to gain market share would be to build their brand to create consumer connection and demand for their products upstream – both online and long before the point of purchase in stores. 

The problem was there was a gap in their brand. They understood who they were but it felt like they were always ten feet away from where they needed to be to put that into action. Copywriting teams and their creative departments didn’t quite get it. Their brand wasn’t clear.

They needed to define who they are, why they exist, how they’re different, who they’re for, and where they’re taking us. Seeing Tommy Wisdom as an expert brand builder, they called on Wisdom to fill their brand gap.


Body Guardz sent Tommy their Business Strategy and their current Branding Deck. After careful consideration Tommy diagnosed what was missing and prescribed a course of action to fill in the missing pieces to unify their brands strategy and identity. 

Using the Wisdom Method™, a series of two hour brand sprints over the course of three days, the Body Guardz leadership team and Wisdom were able to deliver to them everything they needed. 

We strengthened their brands core, defined the consumer groups, told the overarching brand story, defined the brands personality, positioned the brand, articulated key messaging, added compelling brand layers, and unlocked the brands big idea. 

The result was “a well articulated brand platform that felt authentic and real” said President of Body Guardz Brand Division, David DeMartini. Over the course of less than a few weeks they had everything they needed. Not only could our different departments understand it, they could run with it” said David. 

Wisdom’s Brand Strategy and Identity deck he delivered has now become a valuable decision making tool for the company, where all internal teams are aligned on their brand –  a prerequisite that will lead to their consumers feeling a strong connection with the brand as well.

Dedicated To Different™

Bold Ideas come from a place of confidence™

Our Essence

Human – Human is our brands soul and our north star. Every aspect of our brand communications should give the positive emotion of humanity. This means adding the human element to everything we do.

We focus on the positive aspects humans bring to the world such as doing good, putting people and planet first, building relationships, imagining and innovating, being dedicated to our craft and the things we love most.

The more our brand communications feel human the more authentic they will seem to our customers.

The Big Idea

There’s layers to our story. Initially, there’s the somewhat obvious connection consumers will make in that we are your phones body guard. But those that will come to know us on a deeper level will learn we also protect and energize the whole person, including your passion and purpose. Defying the status quo, being different, and going against the grain by nature comes with push back from others, shade from haters and those too afraid to step out of their comfort zone.

BodyGuardz is a symbol and shield of bravery. Carrying it shows how bold you are. That you willing to go against the grain. It’s a sign of how you see yourself now and the person you want to be in the future. The big idea is to focus in on and tell stories around our people. Highlight our people’s journey and the great things they make with our products alongside them, as the body guard for not just their devices but also for the best things inside them.

Our Manifesto

We are makers and we believe in the power of people driven by passion and purpose and that’s why we put people first in everything we do.

Our Difference

Our superior device protection gives our consumers the confidence to take the first step towards pursuing their passion. Our storytelling empowers the makers. The bold and brave who listen to their internal compass and pursue their truth.

We give rest easy comfort to those that use our premium products and add inspiration to their daily experience by becoming a brand that encourages them to believe that they are on the right track, their highest and truest path. They become inspired to make their best work.

Body Guardz products hold more power than the sturdy materials they’re made from. Anytime customers see our products they’re reminded of the stories of those that dare to be different, boldly defy the status quo, and make the world a better place.

Our Consumer

Our brand is for the makers. This is our primary consumer. These are the ones who embody and live out everything we stand for. They give life to our cause. Our brand communications always focus on the makers. These are the people we want to show getting involved with our brand. These are our tastemakers, our influencers, and our tribe. This is our tribe.

Our secondary, wider consumer group are those who believe in the power of passion and purpose to achieve great things. Those that live with intention. The maker consumer group resonates with this wider consumer group. These are our people.

Our third group is the wider audience. Anyone who admires the positive qualities humans possess and act on such as being driven, dedicated, making progress, being generous and caring. We aim to resonate with anyone that values the joy of the journey rather than the destination.

We are NOT for those seeking the latest trends. The chitsy, cheap, hype machine feeding brands.Those that use buzzwords to exploit or say that they innovate just to say that they are.

Our Cause

Those that associate their identity with the BodyGuardz identity do so because they value the journey over the destination. By this we mean finding the things that light us up and fulfill us as time slips away.

The BodyGuardz brand is more than a name. It’s a shared mindset focused on the journey. We believe in the power to do great things when people, passion and purpose are present. Our cause is to share this with the world. To create a more unified brand experience we should focus on those enjoying the process of reaching their potential in all our brand communication.

Designed For People™

Our Impact

By empowering individuals to celebrate their differences, defy the status quo, and pursue passion and purpose we’re unleashing the true power of people. It’s always been those that defied the status quo that have made the greatest impact on the world. This is our brands main impact.

In doing so we are also helping to make the world be more human. To be human is to be an individual, to be different, to be aware of the things that compel you. Humans are creative and innovative. We aim to empower more people to be different. The best human qualities such as generosity, kindness, and being caring are present though out our communications.